giovedì 29 dicembre 2011

dpreview: Sony NEX-7

Our in-depth review of the Sony Alpha NEX-7.

With its 24MP APS-C sensor and high-resolution EVF encased in a compact body with lots of external controls, the NEX-7 is one of the most desirable cameras of the year for the enthusiast photographer - on paper at least.
But at a body-only price around $1000, it's far from cheap.
So does it live up to the expectations and hype?
Read our 28-page in-depth review to find out.

Specifiche tecniche

• 24MP APS-C CMOS sensor (shared with the SLT A-77 and A-65)
• ISO 100-16000 (100-1600 in Auto)
• Built-in 2.4M dot OLED EVF with eye sensor
• Electronic first-curtain shutter (cuts response time from 100ms to 20ms)
• 'AVCHD Progressive' 1080p60 HD movie recording with built-in stereo mic
• Tilting rear screen
• Three-dial user interface
• Built in flash and Alpha hotshoe
• Infra-red remote control receiver
• Microphone input socket

Overall conclusion

When the NEX-7 was first announced, it looked as though Sony had gathered together a set of enthusiasts' wish lists and built a camera to exceed them all.
From the compact 'rangefinder style' body with its built-in electronic viewfinder, through the high resolution sensor offering 24MP stills and Full HD 60p video, to the triple-control-dial interface, it ticked all the right boxes on paper.
There's little doubt that the NEX-7 is one of the most exciting cameras of 2011.
In the flesh, it lives up to almost all of that initial promise.
The EVF is excellent, stills image and video quality both superb, and the handling is remarkably good for such a small camera.
The use of three dials to control each of the main exposure parameters makes so much sense that it seems odd no-one's done it quite like this before.
The fact that these dials can also be used to change a wide range of other settings, cycled through by pressing a button on the top plate, borders on genius.
In fact the NEX-7 is so good in so many respects that any criticism almost feels like nit-picking.
It's not perfect, but then again no camera is, and its imperfections can generally be overcome.

αNEX Cameras:New Firmware Enables Translucent Mirror Adapter Compatibility

Nuovo aggiornamento firmware per la serie NEX:

mercoledì 28 dicembre 2011

Sony Nex in pillole

Dal canale Sony Italia ho preso alcuni video che mostrano i principali aspetti del successo della nuova gamma Nex, le mirrorless compatte con obiettivi intercambiabili.

Federico, il trainer della sezione digital imaging di Sony ne spiega i vantaggi in questi video.

Segui il canale SonyItalia anche su Facebook:

venerdì 23 dicembre 2011

Leica Lens Compendium

The Leica camera has been introduced at the Leipzig Spring Fair in 1925 and in its 75th birth day (March 2000) spans three generations of photographers. Since Berek designed the first lens for the Leica, about 200 different optical systems (as a lens is officially called) have been released by the "optisches Rechenbüro" (optical design department) of Leitz-LeicaWetzlar and Leica/Solms...

EBook PDF gratuito.
Feel free to download this eBook.

Per ulteriori informazioni:
TAO of LEICA Analysis and Insight by Erwin Puts:

mercoledì 30 novembre 2011

Sony releases firmware v1.04 for SLT-A77 and SLT-A65

Sony has released the long-rumored firmware v1.04 update for its A77 and A65 SLT models. The updates add two more lenses to the list that the cameras can correct for and also promise to improve image quality, response time and 'usability.' The updates are currently available in Asia and Europe but haven't been formally announced in the US. Following our reviews of the A77 and A65 we will install the latest firmware and update the reviews as necessary.

New Firmware v1.04
  1. Lens compensation data for SAL1680Z and SAL16105
  2. Improved response of controls + dials
  3. Improved quality – addresses rare interference experienced during 24p video recording and occasional flash exposure problem when using ADI mode
  4. Improved usability – improvement of memory recall mode, fix for delayed turn off, minor adjustment to AEL button operation, enable front dial to adjust ISO Auto limits, enable rear dial for Program shift.

lunedì 28 novembre 2011

Provata la Sony NEX-C3, la mirrorless che piace a tutti

Corpo compatto, sensore da 16 Megapixel e tanta qualità.
Ma sono le funzioni creative e la semplicità di scatto a stupire: anche senza esperienza è davvero difficile scattare brutte foto.

domenica 20 novembre 2011

Sony SLT-A77 Review

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

In recent months it was obvious that Sony and Panasonic had left the upper end DSLR to others … such as Nikon and Canon.

Until now! And this one is a big mother… the Sony SLT-A77!


venerdì 18 novembre 2011

Sony starts making NEX and SLT cameras again, following Thai floods

DPReview reports that Sony has resumed production of its SLT and NEX cameras, which may include the NEX-7 and A65 cameras, after two of its three main manufacturing plants in Thailand were hit by extreme floods nearly a month ago. The impact was enough to make a sizable dent in the company's financial outlook and force it to establish a new plant further south in the country. There's apparently still no confirmation of when products will start shipping, but as long as the conveyor belts are rolling and people are back in employment, we're not complaining.

venerdì 11 novembre 2011

giovedì 10 novembre 2011

Google Photography Prize: Looking for the photography stars of the future

Google Photography Prize: Looking for the photography stars of the future: Google+ is only a few months old, but the photography community is already thriving on it. Take a look at the profiles of Scott Jarvie, Thomas Hawk, Colby Brown or Claire Grigaut to see just a few of the inspiring photographers on Google+. More than 3.4 billion photos have been uploaded to the platform in the first 100 days.

We’re really excited about this, and think great art deserves great exposure. So we’re teaming up with Saatchi Gallery, London for the Google Photography Prize, a chance for students around the world to showcase their photos on Google+ and have their work exhibited at a major art institution.

The contest is open to university students around the world (some exceptions apply, see for more details). From far-away places to up-close faces, there are 10 different categories to spark your imagination. And there are some great prizes to be won: 10 finalists chosen by a jury of renowned photographers will show their work at Saatchi Gallery, London for two months in 2012 alongside Out of Focus, a major photography exhibition, and win a trip to London to attend the exhibition opening event with a friend. One winner will go on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to an amazing destination with a professional photography coach.

It’s easy to enter: After you pick a category, upload your photos to Google+ and share them with the world as a public post, then visit the submission form on by January 31, 2012 to enter.

Saatchi Gallery, London will share updates on their Google+ page for the contest, so add it to your circles if you want to see the great work that’s being submitted.

We can’t wait to see your photos!

Posted by Obi Felten, Director of Consumer Marketing, Google EMEA

Film Grenade

[Image: The "Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera" by Jonas Pfeil].

The "Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera," designed by Jonas Pfeil as part of his thesis project at the Technical University of Berlin, creates spherical panoramas after being thrown into the air.

The camera "captures an image at the highest point of flight—when it is hardly moving." It "takes full spherical panoramas, requires no preparation and images are taken instantaneously. It can capture scenes with many moving objects without producing ghosting artifacts and creates unique images." You can see it at work in this video:

Pfeil explains in detail:
Our camera uses 36 fixed-focus 2 megapixel mobile phone camera modules. The camera modules are mounted in a robust, 3D-printed, ball-shaped enclosure that is padded with foam and handles just like a ball. Our camera contains an accelerometer which we use to measure launch acceleration. Integration lets us predict rise time to the highest point, where we trigger the exposure. After catching the ball camera, pictures are downloaded in seconds using USB and automatically shown in our spherical panoramic viewer. This lets users interactively explore a full representation of the captured environment.
It's easy enough to imagine such a thing being mass-produced and taken up by the Lomo crowd; but it seems equally likely that such a technology could be put to use aiding military operations in urbanized terrain, with otherwise disoriented squad leaders tossing "robust" optical grenades up above dividing walls and blocked streets to see what lies beyond.

Either way, a throwable camera strong enough to withstand bad weather and strong bounces—and able to store hundreds of images—sounds like an amazing way to start documenting the urban landscape. In fact, the very idea that a "photograph" would thus correspond to a spherical sampling of all the objects and events in a given area adds an intriguing spatial dimension to the act of creating images. It's a kind of reverse-firework: rather than release light into the sky, it steals traces of the light it finds there.

martedì 8 novembre 2011

domenica 6 novembre 2011

3 November, 2011 - Canon and RED Scarlet Video Announcements

3 November, 2011 - Canon and RED Scarlet Video Announcements:



Canon has announced its C300 video cameras in Hollywood today. At some US $16,000 its designed for professional TV and motion picture productions. It will be available in two versions, one with EOS mount lenses and one for PL mount. Neither version has AF or AE.

This is a 4K camera with a new 8.3 Megapixel Super-35mm CMOS sensor recording MPEG2 at 50Mbps 4:2:2 and 1080p30. It does not have raw, or dual link SDI 4.4.4 capability.

But the two C300 cameras aren't the only new video models coming. Keeping the DSLR form factor Canon has pre-announced a full frame 4K camera. No other info other than that and the above picture at this time.

RED Scarlet

After a three-year-long gestation period RED announced the Scarlet-X today, and it was no coincidence that its introduction was on the same day as Canon's big news. RED definately wants you do draw comparisons.

Remakably the Scarlet has essentially the same specs as the EPIC, except with lower data rates. All EPIC accessories work on the Scarlet. The price is under $10,000. Fully kitted out and ready to shoot, except for the Canon EOS lens of your choice, a Scarlet-X will likely cost about $13,000. Shipments begin within a few weeks. 

Scarlet-X shoots raw video with 4K resolution at 24fps, just as the EPIC ($28,000). And, oh yes, Scarlet can shoot still photographs at 5K resolution (5120 x 2700 which is 14 Megapixels) at 12fps. The new camera uses REDCODE RAW at 50MB/sec (440 Megabits/sec). Lens mount? Canon EOS, with a slightly more expensive PL mount version coming. Sweet.

Sean Reid, a long-time contributor to this site, has just published an extensive field review of the Ricoh GR IV pocket camera on his site

I briefly handled this model while at the PhotoPlus show in New York City and it seemed promising though very specialized. Asked to describe this new camera in a nutshell Sean writes: "With a small sensor and a fixed prime lens - having an EFOV of about 28 mm - this is indeed a specialized camera. But I think it may be the smallest digital camera on the market that a serious photographer might take seriously." Reid Reviews is a subscription site but unique in its depth and perspective.

Sony Alpha 580 in prova: bella e conveniente

Sony Alpha 580 in prova: bella e conveniente: Sony punta forte sulle mirrorless e sulle SLT, ma in gamma ha ancora ottime reflex in grado di dire la loro. Abbiamo provato la a580, fotocamera dall'ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.

EOS Movie viaggia verso il 4K

EOS Movie viaggia verso il 4K: Canon ha mostrato il prototipo di una reflex con sistema EOS Movie di nuova generazione. Ha un sensore Full Frame e riprende a 4K.

domenica 30 ottobre 2011

Recensione della nuova fotocamera Sony SLT-A77

Sul sito di DPReview è stata pubblicata una dettagliata recensione di 27 pagine sul nuovo modello di fotocamera Sony SLT: Sony SLT-A77 In-depth Review

Sony SLT-A77 key features: 
• 24MP CMOS Sensor 

• 12fps continuous shooting with autofocus 
• 1080p60 movies with autofocus 
• 2.4M dot OLED viewfinder 
• 1/8000th maximum shutter speed, shutter rated for 150,000 actuations 
• ISO 100 - 16,000 (25,600 with multi-image combination. Expands down to ISO 50) 
• Auto ISO with customisable lower and upper limits 
• Built-in dark red autofocus illuminator 
• Optional, profile-based correction of vignetting, chromatic aberration and geometric distortion 
• Pull-out three-hinge tilt/swivel 920k dot LCD screen 
• Built-in GPS 
• Top panel LCD 
• Stereo microphone and external mic socket 
• AF Micro Adjust 
• Dust shake sensor cleaning

venerdì 30 settembre 2011

La nuova Canon 5D Mark III

Il nuovo modello Canon 5D Mark III sarà proposto questo inverno.
La conferenza stampa per la presentazione è fissata al giorno 26 ottobre a New York.

domenica 28 agosto 2011

Video realizzato con corpi Canon 5d e 7d con ottica EF8-15 f/4L

Link al video sul sito Canon Japan.

"This film was shot using only an EF8-15mm f/4L FISHEYE USM, EOS 5D Mark II and EOS 7D. For underwater footage, the cameras were encased in MDX-PRO 5D Mark II and MDX-7D camera housings and utilized a custom-made dome port."

giovedì 28 luglio 2011

250 Fotocamere Canon illuminano un concerto degli Androp

Il fondo del palco è realizzato da una struttura che sostiene 250 fotocamere Canon con i Flash gestiti da un'applicazione, il risutato è geniale..

Sito della Band:

mercoledì 27 luglio 2011

Microsoft Camera Codec Pack per formati RAW

Microsoft ha realizzato questo pacchetto di codec disponibile per Vista e Seven che permette di gestire formati RAW di diverse fotocamere evitando così di doversi installare ogni volta i drivers presi dai vari produttori.

Il download è disponibile in più lingue e per sistemi Intel e AMD:

Di seguito l'elenco dei modelli supportati:

Canon: EOS 1000D (EOS Kiss F in Japan and the EOS Rebel XS in North America), EOS 10D, EOS 1D Mk2, EOS 1D Mk3, EOS 1D Mk4, EOS 1D Mk2 N, EOS 1Ds Mk2, EOS 1Ds Mk3, EOS 20D, EOS 300D (the Kiss Digital in Japan and the Digital Rebel in North America) , EOS 30D, EOS 350D (the Canon EOS Kiss Digital N in Japan and EOS Digital Rebel XT in North America), EOS 400D (the Kiss Digital X in Japan and the Digital Rebel XTi in North America), EOS 40D, EOS 450D (EOS Kiss X2 in Japan and the EOS Rebel XSi in North America), EOS 500D (EOS Kiss X3 in Japan and the EOS Rebel T1i in North America), EOS 550D (EOS Kiss X4 in Japan, and as the EOS Rebel T2i in North America), EOS 50D, EOS 5D, EOS 5D Mk2, EOS 7D, EOS D30, EOS D60, G2, G3, G5, G6, G9, G10, G11, Pro1, S90

Nikon: D100, D1H, D200, D2H, D2Hs, D2X, D2Xs, D3, D3s, D300, D3000, D300s, D3X, D40, D40x, D50, D5000, D60, D70, D700, D70s, D80, D90, P6000

Sony: A100, A200, A230, A300, A330, A350, A380, A700, A850, A900, DSC-R1

Olympus: C7070, C8080, E1, E10, E20, E3, E30, E300, E330, E400, E410, E420, E450, E500, E510, E520, E620, EP1

Pentax (PEF formats only): K100D, K100D Super, K10D, K110D, K200D, K20D, K7, K-x, *ist D, *ist DL, *ist DS

Leica: Digilux 3, D-LUX4, M8, M9

Minolta: DiMage A1, DiMage A2, Maxxum 7D (Dynax 7D in Europe, α-7 Digital in Japan)

Epson: RD1

Panasonic: G1, GH1, GF1, LX3

mercoledì 20 luglio 2011

Fotografie di grande effetto, con videoguide

" is a website currently owned by Evan Sharboneau (known as Vlue on DeviantART and TheVlue on Flickr) that gives unique tutorials and images to photographers, artists, and photo manipulators."

sabato 11 giugno 2011

Sfondo per PC in HD

Sfondo gratuito per pc, risoluzione HD (1920x1080).
Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla.

mercoledì 8 giugno 2011

Easy Photo: Software gratuito per l'inserimento di watermark

Questa piccola utility chiamata "Easy Photo" realizzata in Java permette di inserire watermark sulle proprie immagini, non occorre installarla, basta eseguirla.

Il pacchetto in lingua inglese è scaricabile da qui:

"Shaitu is a very easy and useful tool for photos decorating."

venerdì 8 aprile 2011

Microsoft Image Composite Editor

Come riportato dal sito ufficiale:
"Microsoft Image Composite Editor is an advanced panoramic image stitcher. Given a set of overlapping photographs of a scene shot from a single camera location, the application creates a high-resolution panorama that seamlessly combines the original images".

Questo strumento (in versione 32 o 64 bit) permette la creazione di immagini panoramiche ad alta risoluzione unendo diversi scatti.

Il software è scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito del produttore: I.C.E.

sabato 2 aprile 2011

Superstars 2011 - 10 Aprile a Monza

Modulo online per la richiesta dell'invito gratuito: Free Ticket

"Presentati con questo Voucher alla Biglietteria Vedano o alla Biglietteria Santa Maria alle Selve e ti verra' consegnato il biglietto per assistere alle gare in programma domenica 10 Aprile. Le Biglietterie saranno aperte dalle ore 8:00. Il Biglietto e' valido anche per la Tribuna Centrale."

Per ulteriori informazioni: Superstars 2011

giovedì 17 marzo 2011

PhotoShow 2011 @ Milano

Come ad ogni appuntamento anche quest'anno, domenica 27 marzo, saremo presenti al Photoshow di Milano.
La fiera della fotografia si terrà nell'area Milano Fiera City, dal 25 al 28 marzo.

Il prezzo del biglietto di ingresso è di 8 euro, se si effettua la registrazione online si può stampare il buono di ingresso ad 1 euro, il modulo di prenotazione è disponibile qui: Registrazione Online.

Burrad-Lucas, la migrazione

Tratto dal blog di Lucas, un panorama che riprende la migrazione di molti animali, 30 scatti per un totale di circa 300 megapixel.

Sul post di Lucas è presente anche un video ripreso con una Canon 1D Mark IV + ottica Canon 600mm.

Link al blog di Lucas: Great Migration